Day 3 on Dawn Island I was summoned to the top of the mountain on Dawn Island. Near the top is a beautiful garden with all sorts of different plants. An older man sat writing under a tree waiting for me as he was surrounded by all the brothers working the garden. He asks me how I'm doing on the island and if the brothers are taking care of me, and I said "yes everyone is so nice and welcoming." We talk about many things but he goes on to ask me if I ever considered seminary so that I can make an even greater impact on the world.
I've always thought seminary or Bible school is one of the dumbest things you can ever do. I don't need a piece of paper on the wall, a title and 150k in debt to teach me how to serve God and love people. Did Jesus have a seminary degree, or Paul in the Bible or any of the disciples? If I had 150k dollars, I would take it right away to China and build that music school orphanage.
As I walked down the road to dinner, the brothers, especially the younger ones would ask me "Darvin are you a pastor?" For some reason maybe I give off the impression that I'm a pastor. I just tell them no I'm just a normal person. Don't look to me, look to Jesus.
With that being said, is that where God is leading me in the future? On a boat ride back to Sai Kung, the director of operation Dawn asked me again, "Darvin have you ever thought of getting your M. Div degree so that you can better serve people, maybe you can continue to run your studio and take night school or online classes." Maybe this might be a path to consider for the future.